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The enterprise associates include the management team and any individuals who are assigned a project or task in QuadFund and also those provide funding in form of donation, loans, venture capital, equity, hire purchase services and even jount venture. QuadFund facilitates the associate in directly participating the investment needs of the enterprise thus eliminationg the cumbersome process of involving a third in funding needs.
model . oMost the cloud solution with support to , that . , novel prototype of an inclusive solution based on a structured concept of nodes of a network which provides a constillation of partnership enterprise opportunities to address the big challenge. The are opportunities are addressed in a model of enterprise associativeinclude development of CloudNode site listing, development and creation of website, project management solutions and its accompanying project management process that ensures accountability, transparency and sustainability. The solution is organized as in the following network nodes
Training : The marketing executives will endevour to recruit colleges and other institute of post secondary education ith a view to partner to offer induction
Asociate : Organize Events to
Outlet :
Customers :
Capacity Building.
Content Creators
System Development
Project Programming
Project Manager
Task Executives
Operation Support
CisoNet is partering with placement office pof Institutes & colleges of technical and commercial training to offer an induction training that is focussed on the CisoNet Cloud Solution. The aim is to give the graduating learners an opportunity to evaluate our approach on how we are transitioning learners to industry and a chance for them to assess how they fit into the program in relation to their background.
The induction training also acts as mentorship programm in motivationg learners to embrace entreprenuership and innovation as an alernative way to direct employment. In general the training discuses the technology of an information and communication system, the opportunities and the various ways of funding an entrepreurship in the information and communication sector it also specifically reviews the CisoNet Cloud Solution and the avaialble opportuty as well as the enabling regulatory act and how it influences the growth of ICT sector
Those learners who show commitment are provided a computer at an inerest free low cost computer to facilitate and empower them join the industry with additional confidence and power to creatively not only contribute to the ICT sector but to do it with fair return sometimesbetter than direct employment
The learner who qualify then become associates of the CisoNet Cloud Soltion with all accruing benefits of providing ICT support to the the enterprise nodes of the network.
Service Providers : Many of the recruited associates have the capacity to carry out outstanding projects but remain without employment because the prospective enterprises do not qualify for financing and access to credit from banks or other financial financial institutions. The associates can extend credit to these enterprises through work done especially wherethe work is software related which requires little investment. The service provider include those who assit in capacity building, resource mobilization, technology enhancement and operations project mangement
Borrowing : Some of the associates are taking a risk to borrow as they create solutions that perform common services in the enterprises. In an econony where the interest rates are condussive, these associates in partnership with CisoNet are accesrating the uptake of information and communications technology and thus increase productivity in the economy
Equity Investors : Many groups in the economy save enermous amount of money with expectation that one day, they will find a viable project to apply their savings. Unfortunately that day does not seem come and when it comes, the project may not be viable. CisoNet is encouraging these group to invest in equity to set CisoNodes within their community and be part of the diruptive change that is making the ICT sector the fast growing one especially when the world becomes a digital village with the introduction of global satellites.
Venture Capital : The recruited associates who are able to show commitment to the opportunity provided in the CisoNet Cloud Solution platform qualify for venture capital because the return on investment of the chosen opportunity
Impact Funding : These associates are ussully supported though Government and development partner resources. They require easier access to these funds to make a difference and ensure that the only achieved that these groups make is that winning a funding drive in their lifetime.
Donations : Some of our associates are phyically challenged or otherwise challenged and may require financial support to their assignment particularly where the assignment are contract basis and payment is done on delivery. Your donation to this group of associates will go a long way in giving the opportunity to stand on their own.
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